Würth Secure Logon (WSL) Token
Contact: support@wuerth-it.com support@wuerth-it.com
Please return your old Token to:
Würth IT GmbH
Gewerbepark Waldzimmern
Reinhold-Würth-Str. 2
74676 Niedernhall
The following 3 things are necessary for our WGC:
1. WN-Number
2. Token (company-dependent, does not apply to employees of e.g. DE-AW KG. A token is always necessary when accessing from outside the internal company network, e.g. with your smartphone)
3. WGC authorization (does not apply to employees of e.g. DE-AW KG)
Once you have a WN number and token, please contact wgc@wuerth.com wgc@wuerth.com.
Managing directors, finance managers and IT managers of the Würth Group are automatically authorized forthe information platform by virtue of their function. A request by e-mail is not necessary.
The employees of CH-Würth Switzerland, CH-Würth International, DE-Würth Germany, DE-Würth IT, DE-Würth Industrie and DE-Würth Modyf also have automatic access to the WGC.
The login process differs and depends on whether you are using a Würth Secure Logon (WSL) hardware token or a software token.
The WSL token user guide WSL token user guide describes the two procedures.
Please send an e-mail with the subject "Activate WSL-Token" to support@wuerth-it.com support@wuerth-it.com.
Include your WN number in the e-mail.
You will receive all necessary information as soon as possible.
Please contact support@wuerth-it.com support@wuerth-it.com.
Your token will be reset and you will receive all further information by e-mail.
The processing and shipping of a hardware token can take a few days. We therefore ask you to be patient. If you still have not received a hardware token two weeks after the confirmation e-mail or shipping confirmation e-mail, please send an email to support@wuerth-it.com support@wuerth-it.com.
The delivery of a software token (smartphone app) takes place directly by mail.
Please send an email to support@wuerth-it.com support@wuerth-it.com as soon as possible so that the token can be blocked. To order a new token, please contact the managing director/person responsible for ordering in your company.
Please send an e-mail to support@wuerth-it.com support@wuerth-it.com as soon as possible so that the token can be blocked.
A new token will be assigned to you and sent by e-mail.
Please contact the managing director/person responsible for ordering in your company.
If your company administers the tokens itself, please contact your internal IT department directly.
Please send the RSA-Token to the following address:
Würth IT GmbH
Gewerbepark Waldzimmern
Würth Straße 2
74676 Niedernhall
To eliminate frequent sources of error, please take the following steps:
- First, clear the browser cache and delete temporary files in your browser.
- Restart your computer and try to log on to the system.
- If possible, try logging on using other available browsers (e.g. Firefox, Chrome, ...).
If these measures do not solve the problem, please send an email to support@wuerth-it.com support@wuerth-it.com, describing the problem in greater detail:
- Which web address have you used for logging on?
- Does an error message appear? If yes, please send us a screenshot.
- When does the error message appear? Before or after entering the user name / password?
- Which user name do you use?
- If using an RSA token: What is the serial number of your RSA token? You can find the number on the back of the RSA token below the barcode or in the app.